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Monsanto是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/Monsanto.html 发布时间:2021-03-24
Monsanto是什么意思 Monsanto在线翻译 Monsanto什么意思 Monsanto的意思 Monsanto的翻译 Monsanto的解释 Monsanto的发音 Monsanto的同义词 MonsantoMonsanto 基本解释



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1. Monsanto的解释

1. 孟山都农业生物技术公司:印度政府最近在未加进行独立有效测试的情况下,只依靠种子提供商孟山都农业生物技术公司(Monsanto)单方面提供的数据,就同意在全国范围内引进转基因茄子.

2. \\u0039\\u0031\\u0031\\u67E5\\u8BE2\\u00B7\\u82F1\\u8BED\\u5355\\u8BCD

2. 蒙桑托:普兹泰事件充满引人遐想的疑点,几个月前发生在美国蒙桑托(Monsanto)公司农场的事件更是扑朔迷离. 该公司以种植基因黄豆而著名,蜜蜂在吃了基因农场的花粉之后出现大量死亡的现象.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 孟山都公司:- 孟山都公司(Monsanto)减少BST(一种催乳素)的供应量,据报道减少超过50%. 奶酪 - 40磅装切达干酪(Cheddar)的价格上涨了496美元,报4,850美元(4月16日). 整体奶酪产量为317,834吨,比去年同期增加了7.2%.

Monsanto 双语例句

1. Monsanto的反义词

1. However, companies such as Monsanto have successfully sued a number of home-producing farmers for breaking patents over the past year.

2. This powerful documentary might just inspire a global rejection of Monsanto`s plans for our world.

3. The breathtaking new film, The World According to Monsanto, features a company that sets the new standard.

4. Zhen-Thai company is located in the beautiful banks of Jiaozhou Bay, at the foot of Monsanto, and the Qingdao Economic and Technological Development Zone bordering from the Qingdao City, only 50 km, 35 km Liuting International Airport, with three highways and Jiaozhou Bay Highway 2 Km, transportation is convenient, 25 kilometers of the Huangdao Power Plant can provide enough power resources, these favorable conditions for Thai companies to Zhen rapid development has provided a good external environment.

5. Nowadays, methanol carbonylation methods used in the industrial production of acetic acid include BASF method, advanced Monsanto-method by Celanese and CativaIM method by BP chemicals limited.

6. For biotech companies such as Monsanto, based in the U. S., and Novartis AG, based in Switzerland, the rise of GM technology has meant boom times.

7. He was formerly a member of the Board of Directors of Korea First Bank, Pharmacia Corporation and Monsanto Company.

8. A Brazilian federal tribunal said August 12 it suspended a long-standing ban on the sale of Monsanto\'s genetically modified Roundup Ready soybeans.

9. For example, companies like Monsanto, DuPont and Syngenta are developing corn with reduced water needs.

10. Monsanto的解释

10. Last week, Monsanto filed a patent infringement suit in Denmark against traders in Argentine soybeans produced from its genetically modified Roundup Ready seeds.
上周,孟山都公司在丹麦提交了一项针对阿根廷交易商的专利侵权投诉,理由是他们销售的是用Roundup Ready转基因豆种生产的大豆。

11. At the end of a project, a light coat of earth full of Monsanto chemical products is usually used to bolster plants for the handover date.

12. Monsanto在线翻译

12. This discount will not be granted this year, a Monsanto spokesman said last week.

13. Monsanto, Cargill and a few others here in the U. S. are writing legislation, or bribing our criminal politicians to write it, to kill the organic movement, small farms and local producers completely.

14. Monsanto的近义词

14. Monsanto, which produces the hugely popular herbicide Roundup, has made just as big a hit with its line of genetically modified crops that are immune to the Roundup poison - thanks to a gene that company scientists tweezed out of the common petunia and knitted into their food plants.

15. In 2003, as there were 20, 000 hectares of land planted to Bt corn in the country, Monsanto earned P44 million.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. After five years of commercial Bt crop use, no reports of insect resistance to the crops have emerged, according to Monsanto.

17. Monsanto的意思

17. Not a big fan of the track here in Monsanto he plans to make set-up changes for the second of today\'s heats but is unsure of what he can adjust to cure the problem he is experiencing in the second half of the run.


18. In addition to outside Kumho Petrochemical, Kumho polychem, Kumho shell chemistry, Kumho monsanto, Kumho mistui-chemical, such as chemistry and chemical engineering with world-renowned enterprises to cooperate with world-class skills.

19. Monsanto的意思

19. Astonishing to learn was that Epicyte had developed its spermicidal GMO corn with research funds from the US Department of Agriculture, the same USDA which, despite worldwide opposition, continued to finance the development of Terminator technology, now held by Monsanto.
令人惊讶的是,Epicyte 研发的杀精转基因玉米正是在美国农业部的科研赞助基金下完成,而被孟山都控制的美国农业部虽然遭到了世界范围的发对,还是一如既往的资助开发这一灭绝计划。

20. An organic seed company took Monsanto to court over the issue.

Monsanto 单语例句

1. Monsanto currently has two other JVs and also owns three companies that focus on genetically modified cotton and conventional vegetable seeds in China.

2. The ministry has completed environment and food safety testing on seven genetically modified crop strains - all from US biotech giant Monsanto.

3. Monsanto was honored with a Humanitarian Service Medal from RCSC for the donation.

4. The brightest minds are headhunted and embraced by the world\'s best universities and are later granted work visas for such multinationals as Microsoft or Monsanto.

5. It was its promotion and marketing by international conglomerates such as Monsanto a decade ago that raised the hackles.

6. It is widely believed that Monsanto\'s GM cotton seeds account for a little less than 50 per cent of China\'s total plantation areas.

7. China\'s biotechnologists should not worry about Monsanto, said Wang Feng with the Fujian Academy of Agricultural Science.

8. The United States\'Monsanto Co and Sinochem Corp are in talks about stronger ties.

9. Monsanto is the world\'s largest seed company and Sinochem is China\'s biggest fertilizer trader.

10. Within four years, sales of Monsanto\'s chemicals had registered a steep increase.

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本文链接: http://kumhomonsanto.immuno-online.com/view-698409.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)