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Kumho是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/Kumho.html 发布时间:2021-03-24
Kumho是什么意思 Kumho在线翻译 Kumho什么意思 Kumho的意思 Kumho的翻译 Kumho的解释 Kumho的发音 Kumho的同义词 Kumho的反义词 Kumho的例句 KumhoKumho 网络解释

1. 韩国 锦湖:我公司代理销售壳牌(SHELL)各类环氧树脂和环氧树脂固化剂,有环氧树脂EPIKOTE-828,环氧树脂1001X75,环氧树脂EP-1004,环氧树脂EP-1007,环氧树脂EP-1009,韩国锦湖(KUMHO)KER-828环氧树脂,K...我公司代理销售壳牌(SHELL)各类环氧树脂和环氧树脂固化剂,

2. 第十: 锦湖轮胎/韩国:第九: 韩泰/韩国HANKOOK | 第十: 锦湖轮胎/韩国KUMHO | 第十一:东洋/日本TOYO

3. Kumho的翻译

3. 锦湖电机:三星笔记本 Notebook | 锦湖电机 Kumho | 韩容电子 Han Yung

Kumho 双语例句

1. Kumho在线翻译

1. Korea is an important market and also home for partners Kumho Tires and the Seoul Metropolitan Government.

2. Cyangugu shopowners sales Kumho Tires, Beijing round of the tire, while customer requirements can provide other brand tires.

3. Kumho

3. Truck tires conversion formula for tire pressure king county tire chain bid low blood pressure and tiredness cub cadet solid front tires c50 white wall tires kumho tires online gbc tires dirt bike tires turf tire...

4. Cheng Yun-South Korea Joint Venture Co., Ltd., Chengdu, the Sichuan Provincial Motor Transport Company and the Republic of Korea Kumho Group joint venture with the construction of the legal personality of the Sino-foreign joint ventures, is set food, places, transportation, entertainment, shopping for an integrated services Enterprises, the total assets of 122 million yuan registered capital of 90 million yuan.

5. Kumho的翻译

5. Kumho rediffusion day leading products are abs, as, hips, etc. Blends of styrene-type resins and modified engineering plastics, are currently in China styrene resin grades, one of the most complete factory.

6. The picture shows the completion ceremony of a chemical plant in Nanjing, invested by South Korea\'s largest tire manufacturer Kumho Group.

7. From Frye to Daubert to Kumho Tire to the revised Federal Rules of Evidence, even after all these legal efforts, no one believes that the legal system always gets the most or the best scientific information that, ideally, it might.
自从Frye规则到Dauben标准再到Kumho Tire标准,乃至发展为修改后的《联邦证据规则》702条,尽管法律系统经历了上述诸多努力,人们仍然不会相信法律系统能够从科学信息中获得预期的收益。

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. Qixia District: and Yan Road, Qixia Road, Huadian Road North, agricultural professionals Road, Nanjing-Hangzhou Road, Ma Qun Duan, Xian-Yao Lu, and too new roads, railways and along the MTR lines, Nanjing electroplating factories, spark plugs, printing, the original second woolen mill in Nanjing, Kumho Tire Company, North Yinqiao market, Nanjing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Xianlin University City.

9. Kumho Petrochemical Group are one of the core business, with industry leading position.

10. Korea Kumho Petrochemical and Hyundai Petrochemical in China, one of the agents, synthetic rubber company in the import business has been developed by leaps and bounds, with a number of large-scale investment in China to establish a good business relationship.

11. Kumho Petrochemical Kumho are li day be able to grow into the best source for engineering plastics business.

12. Kumho的解释

12. Shanghai Kumho Li Plastic Co., Ltd. is a day by the world-famous petrochemical enterprises Korea Kumho Petrochemical Co., Ltd. and Shanghai, China on the day or new technology Development Co., Ltd. joint venture set up, specializing in plastic coloring, plastic modified and alloys, as well as other high - molecular materials research, development, production, sales, science and technology enterprises.

13. Kumho Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is a Sino-Korea joint venture company between Korea Kumho Petrochemical Holdings Limited and Shenzhen HIS Products Ltd.

14. In addition to outside Kumho Petrochemical, Kumho polychem, Kumho shell chemistry, Kumho monsanto, Kumho mistui-chemical, such as chemistry and chemical engineering with world-renowned enterprises to cooperate with world-class skills.

15. Kumho的反义词

15. Qixia District: and Yan Road, Qixia Road, Huadian Road North, agricultural professionals Road, Nanjing-Hangzhou Road, Ma Qun Duan, Xian-Yao Lu, and too new roads, railways and along the MTR lines, Nanjing electroplating factories, spark plugs, printing, the original section of Nanjing Second wool, Kumho Tire Company, North Yinqiao market, Nanjing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Xianlin University City.

16. They do not see why the bank should be doing Kumho Asiana any favours.

17. OEM Kumho\'s are the worse tire I have ever seen.

18. Kumho Lai day business philosophy is: the entire value chain to enhance the competitiveness of technology and services create new value.

19. The other side of the modern, Kumho and other well-known museums, there are rich cafe.

20. South Korea\'s Kumho series functional ABS (fire prevention, anti-static, weathering grade, resistant to environmental cracking, wear-resistant grade level, such as anti-bacterial) ASA, AES and automotive engineering plastics with PC/AES, PBT/ABS, PC/ABS, PA/ABS alloy materials, such as prices of the company insist the principle of small profits but quick turnover, is willing to at sea with the vast number of clients to work together and join hands in creating a better tomorrow.

Kumho 单语例句

1. More than 5000 dealers across China comprise Kumho\'s huge distribution network.

2. South Korea\'s Kumho will boost its annual output to 30 million units through a series of investments in 2006.

3. So, establishing a new plant to satisfy market demand became a pressing issue for Kumho Tyres.

4. For Kumho, we will have to wait and see if the company rebuilds customer trust.

5. Significant investments last year also illustrated Kumho\'s recognition of the importance of the Chinese market.

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本文链接: http://kumhomonsanto.immuno-online.com/view-698408.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)